Reconnecting with the Community
As restrictions lessen and the individuals our agency supports are ready to begin attending events and activities in the community again, we look ahead with excitement and optimism. It has been a long stretch with reduced interactions in the community and we are assisting the individuals to choose what they would like their community recreation to look like going forward, some are more ready than others to jump back in!
It was very exciting to host our Mother’s Day Tea after a two-year hiatus and it was heartwarming to see people gathering and visiting again! We are planning a Father’s Day Celebration with invited special guests as well!
Individuals and staff are working together to find out which activities and volunteer positions individuals wish to return to and gather information about new opportunities or interests discovered during the past two years. If you know of opportunities in the community where volunteers would be appreciated on weekdays, please contact Regan Overand, Program Administrator at westcentralpa@hotmail.com or 306-463-2727 ext. 4 to discuss and we can see if any of our individuals are a match for the opportunities you have!