Kindersley Legion Holds Award Night
The Kindersley Legion Branch # 57 hosted their annual Awards Night on Friday, October 27th. A fabulous ham supper was served by Jackie’s Delicious Delights.
It was an evening filled with renewing friendships and making new ones! It was a time to break bread together and recognize Legion members who have served with distinction and loyalty. A total of 8 members received service awards.
Legion President Scott Holloway emceed the evening and pointed out there were several pictures of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip found in the basement and they could be taken by anyone interested!
After President Holloway said grace, it was a race to the buffet line. Fresh buns and butter, a spinach and strawberry salad, ceaser salad, corn, scalloped potatoes and baked ham were absolutely fantastic. That was followed by a home-made strawberry-rhubarb crisp and ice cream and coffee.
Once supper was done, the awards were given out.
-5 years service – Murray Jones and Adele Jones. Recipients Julie Osborne and Carol Venn could not attend.
-20 years service – Steve Boodram (absent) and Rea Ann Howe (who was absent, however her dad Ron accepted for her).
-25 years service – Ellen Kreps and Scott Holloway.
From there it was a time to visit and socialize. The Legion is very active and they are always looking for new members. Call 306-460-4688 if you would like to become a member.
By Kevin Martin