
SeedMaster Plans to Expand Sask. Headquarters

SeedMaster has announced its plan to invest $10 million in expanding its headquarters in Emerald Park, Saskatchewan, located just east of Regina.

The company aims to double the size of its current manufacturing facility in Emerald Park by adding an additional 6,000 square feet to boost production capacity.

“Over the past couple of years, the demand for SeedMaster technology has surged, leading us to seek a suitable location for expansion,” said Don Henry, CEO of SeedMaster, in a press release. “We were fortunate to acquire the space adjacent to our current facilities, and we are excited to embark on this new phase of growth at SeedMaster, right here in Emerald Park.”

Founded in 2002, SeedMaster manufactures seeding systems for customers across North America, Australia, and Eastern Europe, with all systems built in their Saskatchewan facility.

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