Great Canadian Oil Change: Should I Check My Coolant?
Your cooling system plays an integral part in your regular vehicle maintenance.
Coolant contains a chemical, (ethylene glycol) that stops water from freezing or boiling in regular and extreme temperatures. The coolant also contains rust, corrosion and foaming inhibitors. Over time, these inhibitors become less effective and must be replaced to avoid breakdowns and costly damages. So, although your coolant may be good to minus 40, the ph could be off and your coolant can become acidic and eat away at your engine and hoses from the inside out.
Most manufacturers recommend a cooling system flush every 48,000 kms or 2 years.
Valvoline MaxLife engine coolant has been dyed yellow to assure color compatibility with a wide range of coolants. It has unsurpassed freeze and boil protection and because it contains a high quality defoamer, it will not harm gaskets, hoses, plastics or original finishes. Valvoline MaxLife coolant is used for both gasoline and diesel engines.
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