In Kindersley, February 20, 2020 is recognized as Kin Canada Day
Source: Town of Kindersley, February 20, 2020
Serving the Community’s Greatest Need.
Since its founding in Hamilton, Ontario, on February 20, 1920, Kin Canada has been the nation’s largest all-Canadian service club organization. Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs across the country work to better their communities, enhance the well-being of Canadians and improve the environment. The Association boasts a proud history dedicated to fostering life-long friendships while ‘Serving the Community’s Greatest Need.’ Since their inception, they have donated more than $1 billion to Canadian causes, communities and individuals in need, as well as to disaster relief efforts beyond our borders.
The Objects of the Association:
To promote and direct service work through fellowship among its Clubs and their members, to the end that:
• members of the Clubs may enjoy personal development through the Association;
• they may be improved and educated in modern business and professional methods and ethics;
• the involvement of all in the enrichment of their community may be stimulated;
• a spirit of co-operation, tolerance, understanding and equality among all nations and peoples be fostered, and that unity of thought and purpose throughout Canada be established toward this goal; and
• they shall serve their community’s greatest need.
The Council of the Town of Kindersley recognizes that Kin Canada has been a vibrant, responsible, all-Canadian association of volunteer service clubs devoted to the concept of serving communities throughout Canada since its founding. Council would like to invite each resident to pause and salute the local Kin members who are proudly serving our community.
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