Absolutely Eyes: Continuing to Provide Urgent Eyewear Needs During This Time
As a partially non-essential service and partially medical/essential need service, our ability to take care of your eye care needs has been evolving on a daily basis.
To-date, we are able to continue to provide urgent eyewear needs, including contact lenses that can be ordered and shipped direct to you (NO shipping & handling fees will be charged). Requests for this can be left at either of our clinic numbers (306-463-8266 in Kindersley or 403-664-3300 in Oyen), or by email (tjnwa@netago.ca), or via the “contact us” link on our website at www.oyenoptometry.com or www.absolutelyeyes.com. You only need to indicate your name and supply amount required, and as long as you are an active patient at our clinic, we can do all the rest!
If urgent eyewear is needed, we will also be able to supply those to you using proper social distancing, single person encounters (do NOT bring children, friends, spouses with you), disinfecting protocols, and minimum in-clinic time. This is being limited to broken or lost eyewear, higher prescriptions, and pick-up of orders placed prior to the Covid19 crisis using non-contact delivery methods.
Emergency doctor access eye-care will be delivered in our Oyen location, by appointment only as scheduled through our triaging hot-line at 403-664-0060. We can also provide some tele-optometry care, which can be done over the phone however, thus far, is not an eligible service under provincial health care coverage. This is a very good option in the event that ocular medical assistance is required but travel and physical contact is not recommended under any circumstances. The tele-optometry format can also be accessed through the hot-line at 403-664-0060.
Please do reach out if there are any questions along the way that we can help answer, and can make this unprecedented time a little more normal and a little less disruptive. We encourage you to follow our web page or Facebook page to stay up-to-date on further changes. Do remember, we are still here for you!
Stay healthy!
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