Delisle, Saskatchewan Author Uses Lockdown to Publish her Book
Ruth Reno Anderson isn’t letting lockdown slow her down; instead, she has taken pen to paper and published the book she started just six months ago.
However, this isn’t Anderson’s first time trying her hand at writing; in fact, she’s had numerous magazine articles published along with manuals and various articles for three newspapers.
On top of this, she self-published her novel Caverns of the Heart, roughly 15 years ago, when she was between jobs and had just moved to another country. “The novel was an on-again, off-again relationship for 15 years, as I was never happy with parts of it. I would work on it for a month and then would not look at it for a year. Once I did not look at it for two years.”
Her latest publication Fierce, a Bible study workbook, was something she had always planned on doing. “I have always loved writing, and I’ve always wanted to be a published author, especially to have a published book as one of my accomplishments.”
Fierce was something she saw not only a need for, but also as a way to inspire women “I’m a Bible studies teacher at our church in Delisle, Delisle Community Chapel, where my husband has been the Lead Pastor for four years. Through Fierce, I wanted to share the message of standing strong in our faith and to inspire women–we need to stand up for what is right.
However, just because Anderson has accomplished her goal of becoming a published author doesn’t mean she is moving on to something else. Instead, she has already begun work on the second novel of her Jane Donavon adventure series titled The Glorious Light.
The novel, set in Rome, sees the main character Jane become involved in international intrigue. “The aim of my adventure series is to encourage women to travel and experience other countries, even if only from their favourite armchair. I am sure I’m going to have to do some “research” in Rome as soon as it is okay to travel again.”
In addition to diving into her next novel, she has also begun work on a sequel to her Fierce Bible study, titled Moxie, which she hopes to have completed in time for a fall Bible study at the Delisle church.
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