Outbreak of COVID-19 at the Kindersley and District Health Centre
An outbreak of COVID-19 at the Kindersley and District Health Centre has been declared by Health officials.
Please be advised of the temporary disruption to obstetrical services at the Kindersley and District Health Centre effective 8 a.m. January 26, 2021 until further notice.
Due to a COVID-19 outbreak in acute care at the Kindersley and District Health Centre and the required realignment of health services to support patient care, obstetrical services will not be available. Obstetrical services are available at Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital (306-655-6500) in Saskatoon or at Cypress Regional Hospital (306-778-9400) in Swift Current.
Emergency room, lab and x-ray services, and inpatient care are not impacted and continue to be available. Family presence/visitation at Kindersley and District Health Centre is as outlined in the current Family Presence and Visitor Restrictions at Health Care Facilities guidelines.
In the event of an emergency please call 9-1-1. Non-urgent health related questions can be directed to the provincial HealthLine by calling 8-1-1. Service disruptions due to COVID-19 can be found on the service alerts page of the Saskatchewan Health Authority website.
Residents are reminded that we are our first line of defense in stopping the spread of COVID-19 and our actions make all the difference in protecting all of our families, friends and neighbours. Please help by:
· Physical distancing
· Washing you r hands regularly
· Limiting your bubble as much as possible
· Abiding by all public health orders
· Wearing a mask whenever you are in public indoor settings
· Staying home if you are feeling even the mildest symptoms as an increasing number of cases are residents going to work when sick
· Downloading the Government of Canada COVID Alert App and use it to protect yourself and your loved ones.
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