Kindersley Fire Busy in Lead up to the Holidays
Hello, Cody Phinney back for another update from the Kindersley Fire Brigade.
Recently our members took the time to get certified and re-certified in First Aid/CPR. All members are given the opportunity once a year to take the courses to stay up to date on any changes and techniques.
Two classes were held, one for members requiring their initial certifications, and one for all re-certs. In total we had 17 members participate this year. Thank you to Sarah and Tabatha with ALB Oilfield for facilitating these classes!
Our PubEd team has spent the last two weeks wrapping up events for the 2022 year. Most recently they hosted four groups of Pre-K and Play School students and some of their parents at the hall for a fire safety presentation and a tour of our hall, gear, and of course, the trucks! We even had a special visit from Burny the Beaver! For photos of our recent events, check out our Facebook page at Kindersley Fire.
With the holidays and Christmas party season in full swing, its important to keep in mind the dangers of impaired driving. Its important to always plan a safe ride home and to never drive impaired. According to SGI, from 2009 to 2018 an average of 54 people per year lost their lives as a result of impaired driving, with an average of 595 being injured over the same years. Impaired driving is also cited as the leading factor in fatal collisions last year. So please plan a safe ride home and Arrive Alive.
We will be taking a quick break until the new year, so from everyone at Kindersley Fire, have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! See you all again next year!