Stephanie Vandewiele is Now a Personal Trainer at Anytime Fitness!
Those looking for away to become inspired and for someone to assist them with their workout need to look no further than Stephanie Vandewiele, who is now a personal trainer at Anytime Fitness!
Born and raised in Kindersley, Stephanie graduated from Kindersley Composite School. “I became a mother shortly after; being a young mom I had to jump into life quickly. I definitely wouldn’t change that for the world. My son is almost 15 and is an absolutely amazing dude! He starts high school this fall and going for his learner’s license at the end of this year! He is saving for his first vehicle *cueing mom nerves*!”
Stephanie shared that being a young mother, she strived for stability for her son, stumbling through a few jobs until finding one that she liked and that had the potential for growth. “I was hired on to drive the community transit bus for the Heritage Manor in Kindersley. I absolutely loved driving that bus and meeting the people along the way. I drove for a year, and after the temporary position was over, I came to realize just how much I loved helping people.”
After this discovery, Stephanie decided to enroll in the Continuing Care Assistant program at the Great Plains College in Kindersley, which allowed her to go to school, work full-time, and be a mother. “I picked away at my courses one at a time, finished my clinicals, and was certified March 2017. I have worked in the Homecare department at the Kindersley Integrated Health Care facility for ten years now. The people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had are irreplaceable.”
After meeting her partner Sevket a few years ago, he moved to town and started a life with Stephanie and her son, and together they have hit some big milestones! First, in 2020 they started their company Sunset Prairies Stucco where they have been busy providing stucco, parging, and stonework in the Kindersley and surrounding areas. They then purchased a truck for the company and this year purchased their house! “Needless to say, there have been a lot of changes in the last few years for our family, and I’m so thankful to have him by my side,” she shared.
With all these changes came another—her decision to become even more involved in fitness and the role it plays in her life. “Working with the elderly for so many years I was able to see the ailments and deterioration of the human body. I saw what happens when you don’t take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. That being said, there are still some things that can’t be prevented, but if you can take small steps now, make changes and choose a healthier path, why wouldn’t you? Becoming a personal trainer has given me the tools necessary to help coach and guild people into a healthier lifestyle. If people take care of their bodies with the right exercise and nutrition, maybe the aging part of life will become more manageable.”
Stephanie shared that she now realizes over the years, she has aged her body faster than she would have like. After working in a compound which involved hauling and heavy lifting, she attained a severe shoulder injury, which still bothers her today. “I also had the pleasure of playing Roller Derby in town where I attained a few more bumps and bruises. With the injuries I have sustained over the years, both from work and sports related, I have gained a lot of arthritic pain; shoulder, back, knee, and wrist issues, resulting in me looking at my own routines.” However, those injuries haven’t stopped her from being an active gym member for over ten years, and she even says that after working out she feels less pain and has more energy with thanks to regular exercise, stretching, hydration, and nutrition. “Anytime Fitness in Kindersley has been my gym for eight years. The energy and vibe you get when you walk in is hard to explain! I get pumped up just to be there. I know when I go it’s for my own benefit and I always leave feeling great. I know that the only person who can stand in my way of a healthier lifestyle is ME!”
For anyone thinking about starting their fitness journey, while it can be daunting, she says the best thing to do is just ask questions. “One step at a time, the first step is walking through that door. Once you are there, I’ll do everything I can to help coach and guild you along your journey. I take a very holistic approach to fitness. It’s not a “one size fits all”. A fitness journey is just that, a journey—together we will find a path that best suits you. Every person has a different life, body, style and flow, but you can find your routine and work toward bettering your life. So, from myself and the amazing staff at Anytime Fitness, “We hope to see you soon!”
If you would like to reach out to Stephanie, you can do so at: sunsetfitnessaf@gmail.com