Kindersley Chamber of Commerce Features Vold’s Collision Ltd.
“We only meet by accident!”
That’s a line you often associate with tow truck drivers and now we can include auto body specialists. Janice and Randy Vold just celebrated seven years in business as the owners and operators of Vold’s Collision in Kindersley. Now that is a HUGE accomplishment! That’s seven years of painting, welding, body repairs and much more.
It has been an extremely wild ride for the close-working husband and wife team. Randy was working at Scribner’s Autobody for 20 years when it was shut down and Janice was working in the administrative field. After a two year hiatus they decided to take the plunge and buy the building from Floyd and start a business of their own. From getting the building to opening day was only 28 days! Randy laughed and said “I wouldn’t recommend doing that”!
With a staff of eight full-time dedicated workers, Vold’s Collision continues to be busy. They are an accredited shop, and they have gone to the next level and are OEM certified. They can fix most anything as they have eight different certifications.
Even the equipment has changed. It’s not cheap to run a body shop that’s for sure because you have to have the right equipment and the proper training to get the job done and done right. It’s an ongoing process, but it is certainly rewarding.
What’s next? Let’s see what the next seven years bring. Good luck!