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Kindersley & District Co-op Accepting Applications for Fuel Good Day 2023!
Fuel Good Day is back at the Kindersley and District Co-op! Co-op will be donating 10¢ per litre for every litre of fuel sold to a local charity on Tuesday, September 19, 2023!
We are accepting applications for a local charity or not-for-profit organization to be the recipient of Fuel Good Day 2023 donation. This event is an opportunity for your community group, organization or project to receive a funding boost through community support!
Simply complete this application.
Deadline for applications is 4:00 PM on May 10, 2023.
All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee. Successful applicants will be notified directly.
Please e-mail marketing@kindersleycoop.ca with any questions in regard to Fuel Good Day 2023!