Wouldn’t it be fun just to have a list for a change, instead of some philosophy or strange story.
I contemplated that thought this week as I prepared this editorial.
Now, I was brought up in the day and age of lists. Our generation rebelled and just wanted to “play it by ear” (a horrible word picture – I can’t see an ear playing anything!) or, as Doris Day once sang so many decades ago – Que sera sera (Whatever will be will be).
Some would call that fatalism or existentialism – and that is the extent of the philosophy in this editorial.
I have been packing up over 15,000 books to move to Regina, Saskatchewan from their residence at Eston College. So here goes the list.
1. Always look twice – what is in plain view is not always plain to view. I missed a book that had been hidden in plain view on the shelves for the last week or more. In fact, the book was only discovered as a volunteer took apart the shelving.
2. Bandages are your friend – Blood is not always a necessary stain upon your move. One of my nails has been cut to the quick (another one of those great word pictures – does it make your finger go faster??). Drops of blood have been shed as paper cuts and cardboard slices have occurred almost daily. A bandage just let’s you save your sanity and your blood!
3. A packed box is packed full – Jenga skills are worth having. I’ve learned that whatever is in a box will move and create damage unless it is contained to only one spot. The spot where it was originally placed. Rubbing shoulders is not a bad thing for occupants of a box you have packed.
4. Know why you are moving – then the what to move is much simpler. I’ve looked at an object for some time not knowing what to do. Decide early what you want to keep and what doesn’t need to accompany you in your future. An expired pen (actually anything) is well worth throwing out unless Uncle Ben lovingly created it by had and would be totally on the verge of creating a global relationship catastrophe if you throw it out (while he is still alive!).
5. Extend your workday – the more you get done the more you feel like you got something done. The pickness of the moving experience creates depression until that one triumph that usually comes at the end of the day – just when you thought you would never get anything done.
6. Resist asking the age old question – do we have to move? If you are moving, you are moving. Get to the packing, the recycling, the organizing. Rehashing a decision is like watching a government constantly playing politics instead of getting something done.
7. Enjoy the day – this is the only day you are currently in. Why bring storm clouds when the sun would be so much more fun!