Kindersley Klippers 2023 AGM
The Board of Directors for the Kindersley Jr. Klippers held their Annual General Meeting on Monday, June 19th.
Called to order at 7:00 pm by President Brett Sautner, they got right into things. It was not the greatest year financially and some money was lost, however, there are plans to cut some expenses where possible to help the bottom line. Brett also thanked everyone who has helped out in some way with the team. Billet families, volunteers, corporate support, the board of directors. It takes many people to make things work. They also need to have more season tickets sold.
Team governor Kyle Adamson also gave a report on league happenings and feels that the league is on the right track and the right people are in the right places. So, bottom line is the league should run smoother and more efficiently.
Head coach Clayton Jardine said he was happy with the draft and is looking forward to a successful season. The 2023-24 season schedule should be out sometime during the week of June 26th. There will be a kids camp starting on Monday, August 28th and the main camp starting on the September long weekend.
2023-2024 Board of Directors
Kyle Adamson – Governor + SJHL Chairman of the Board
Tracy Watt – Alternate Governor
Brett Sautner – President
Carson Shea – Vice-President
Randi Hawkin – Treasurer
Sarah Loerzel – Office Manager
Braden Close – Director
Mike Cullen – Director
Deanna Schaffer – Director
Jenn Wagner – Director
Sheldon Sarada – Director
Carson Grolla – Director
Brandon Cummings – Director