Log Your Reading Minutes for the Wheatland Reading Cup Challenge
Readers, the Kindersley Library needs your help!
In the Wheatland Reading Cup, we have slipped down to eleventh place.
However, the Kindersley Library knows there is so many avid readers in our community–just ask them how many books cross their desk each week! But, to move up the ranks in the Cup challenge, any time spent reading needs to be tracked so we can reach our goal—and Kindersley’s summer reading goal is 50,000 minutes.
As of July 24, as a community we are at 28,400 minutes, which is amazing! Now we just need that extra edge to help us exceed our goal and potentially win the Wheatland Reading Cup this year!
To participate, all you need is to register with the Beanstack app and start tracking your minutes. However, if you prefer, paper tracking logs are available at the library. Come down and talk to Pat or Michelle for more details.
A big thank you to all those who are currently logging their minutes, we are more than halfway to our goal because of you all!
Come on Kindersley, we can do this!

Photo Credit: Wheatland Regional Library