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Kindersley Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament a Success!
Well, the 2023 Kindersley Chamber of Commerce golf tournament is in the books and labeled “successful” !!!
The weather was HOT with not much wind as we had 63 golfers of all skill levels come out and have a great time and win some prizes.
We had some incredible sponsors who came forward to either sponsor a hole, donate a prize or 2 and some did both! A putting contest was held after the tourney and hosted by Kelly Insurance with the winning team sharing a booze basket valued at $500.
TKC sponsored our steak dinner and the Kindersley Co-op supplied the muffins during registration.
It was an all around great time judging by the laughs and good natured ribbing among the players and sponsors and the course Marshall (me).
Thanks to all the golfers, sponsors, clubhouse staff, lounge staff and everyone who volunteered a little bit of their time.
Can we top this next year? Let’s find out.
By Kevin Martin