Residents Invited to Join Kindersley Legion on November 11
On November 11th, the community is invited to join the Kindersley Legion Branch 57 as we honor all those who have protected the rights and freedoms of Canadians and people from countries all over the world.
A community service will be held this year at the Clearview Community Church. The Legion procession will leave the Legion Hall around 10:40 am; all those wanting to march with the Legion should be at the Hall by 10:30 am. A service will start just prior to 11:00 am, so that 2 minutes of silence can be observed precisely at the 11th hour. All those attending should be in their seats by 10:50 am.
Those wishing to lay a wreath can contact Kindersley’s Legion President Scott Holloway directly at 306-460-4688. Unless marching with the procession, wreath layers should be at the church no later than 10:40 am. The cost per wreath is $50.
A luncheon will be served immediately after the morning service at the Legion Hall, and everyone is invited to partake.
“We will also be having Remembrance Service at Caleb Village (2:00 pm) and Heritage Manor (3:00 pm) for their respective residents.
Once again, we will be putting red lights on all the veterans in the cemetery a few days prior to the 11th,” shared Kindersley’s Legion President Scott Holloway.