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Gospel Meetings with Evangelist Dave Sommerdorf

Thursday, June 20th to Sunday, June 23rd at Redemption Baptist Church, starting at 7:00 pm each evening.

Scott Holloway, Pastor, Redemption Baptist Church, shared this information with us!

“We’ve known Bro. Dave and his family for well over 20 years now. He was saved while serving in the U.S. Marine Corp. in February of 1980, trained to preach in Oak Harbor, Washington and serving the Lord faithfully ever since. Bro. Dave has a heart for helping individuals and families and has been a great encouragement to us through the years. We’d love to have you come meet the Sommerdorfs and hear the messages God has laid on his heart. There will be refreshments and time to visit each night. We’d also love to have you join us for the potluck following the Main Service on Sunday morning at 11.

All are welcome!”

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