Community Rink Affordability Grant Program
The Government of Saskatchewan has fulfilled a promise to communities around the province, by announcing that registration for the Community Rink Affordability Grant program (CRAG) will officially open on Monday, December 14th, 2020.
“In reinstating the Community Rink Affordability Grant, we are helping communities keep ice rinks accessible and affordable across Saskatchewan,” Parks, Culture and Sport Minister Laura Ross said. “We are ensuring that when rinks and the activities held at them are safely re-opened, they can continue to support the health and wellness of communities and contribute to local resident’s quality of life.”
This grant program which will provide funding for community-owned indoor skating and curling rinks, will also provide $2,500 a year per indoor ice surface to help cover the costs of operating rinks in villages, towns and cities. First Nations, schools, and non-profits are all eligible and encouraged to register for the grant. The grant may be used to offset the cost of rink operations, minor capital upgrades or to outfit the facility with COVID-19 related expenditures. It is expected that more than 600 ice surfaces in nearly 400 communities will be eligible to receive this support.
“We are grateful to the Government of Saskatchewan for recognizing the escalating costs communities are facing in order to operate and maintain their rinks,” Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association President TJ Biemans said. “These facilities are integral to the vitality and wellbeing of our communities, with this funding coming at a time when that has never been more necessary.”
To learn more and register for CRAG on Monday, December 14th, please complete the online form found on the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association’s website at www.spra.sk.ca/crag.
Applications will be accepted until March 12th, 2021.
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