Hockey Canada Releases New Team Registration and Player Tracker
Hockey Canada has come out with a new team registration and player tracker. The new rule requires all coaching staff over the age of 18 have to have their criminal record checks and vulnerable sectors check uploaded to their HC profile in order to be insured.
Any coach that doesn’t have their certificates uploaded by the deadline will be deemed ineligible and not permitted on the bench.
Hockey Saskatchewan (SHA’s official new name) has stated that they require it to be done every three years, but gives the option to do it yearly or every two years.
Currently, KMH requests this yearly, however, given the new mandate and the time it will take to upload all of these to the coaches’ profiles, the board has approved moving to every two years.
KMH is asking anyone that has volunteered to help with a team this year to please get these certificates from the RCMP office as soon as possible. This is so the office can start uploading information to profiles, so teams may be registered in a timely manner come October.
A form stating you’re a volunteer can be picked up from the Kindersley Minor Sports office during office hours to prevent being charged for the VSC.
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