
Obituaries: Steven Charles Wyman

1982 ~ 2022 (age 40)

Did you know Steven Charles Wyman was born in Kindersley, SK on June 25, 1982 and passed peacefully on October 04, 2022.

Steven was born to Margie (Stonehouse) Deschner and Don Wyman. Steve was blessed with three stepsisters, Amy Szoke (Don’s stepdaughter) Amanda and Christina Deschner (Margie’s stepdaughters).

Did you know Steve married Amanda Abramoff December 11, 2010 on a Saskatoon city transit bus where they had met. Steve and Amanda are very proud parents of their son Oiaz born May 19, 2011 and daughter Ralli born March 28, 2013.

Did you know Steve was in his fourth year of Animation school when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Steve drew his entire life and his first two animated characters were named Oiaz and Ralli.

Did you know that because of severe complications of MS Steve resided at Parkridge long-term care facility in Saskatoon since his early 30s.

Did you know Steve would often say ‘did you know?’ then tell you a fact. Steve’s humour will be so missed!

Did you know Steve will also be missed by Wayne Deschner (stepdad)

Step siblings and their families and many Aunts, Uncles, cousins and many many friends through his life.


Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
175 Bloor St. East., Suite 700, North Tower, Toronto ON M4W 3R8
Tel: 1-866-922-6065

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