Rattlesnakes Spotted Around Eston Community
Caution! Rattlesnakes!
The Town of Eston recently shared that there has been some sightings of rattlesnakes around the Eston community.
The public is reminded that a bite from a poisonous (venomous) snake or lizard requires emergency care. If you have been bitten by a snake or lizard that you know or think might be poisonous, call 1-866-454-1212 immediately.
It may seem obvious, but if you see a rattlesnake:
-Do not attempt to move or kill it. Rattlesnakes will generally leave an area if left alone.
-Rattlesnakes camouflage with their surroundings and hide to strike prey by surprise. Keep shrubs well-trimmed and consider removing bird-feeders, which can attract rodents, which can in turn attract snakes.
-Children who are curious and handle rattlesnakes are often bitten. Children should be taught to leave snakes alone.
Further information can be found here.
Source and Photo Credit: Town of Eston Facebook